Here we present you a selection of example projects

Flat roof renovation with PUR foam and PURelastic

Project LDC, Pohlheim/Hessen: Here, the process of roof renovation with PUR roof spray foam is explained and the individual work steps are illustrated using the example of an approx. 60,000 m² industrial hall. Roof system consisting of shed roofs, sealed with bituminous roofing membranes.

Dachsanierung durch ISOPOL auf einem Industriedach von 60.000 m²

Trapezoidal sheet metal roof: prevention of condensation on the underside of the roof, elimination of corrosion damage and damage in the area of the screw connections caused by expansion of the sheets.

Dachsanierung durch ISOPOL: Trapezblech
Dachsanierung durch ISOPOL: Trapezblech

Flat roof: Flat roof renovation with PUR roof injection foam, with and without slope improvement.

Dachsanierung durch ISOPOL: Flachdach - Bitumendach

Fiber cement roof: Roof waterproofing and thermal insulation with PUR roof spray foam on fiber cement roofs.

Dachsanierung durch ISOPOL: Faserzemrentplatten